Sunday, March 30, 2008

School starts tomorrow!

Let's not bomb this quarter like previous ones... I've gone and signed up for an Iaido class, maybe that'll keep me up and at 'em.

I almost bought Bang! the other day, at Wednesday board game night at Phoenix Games in Mukilteo. Eric, the gent who coordinates the event, steered me to Bang! The Bullet instead, which is Bang! and every expansion produced all in one package. So worth it. Turns out Eric also writes a game blog called Talking Game.

Wrist is starting to get better, now that I've figured out that some ways to apply traction and pop those bones back into place. Sweet. Now maybe Dr. Physical Therapist can do something for my knees.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

News from the Home Front

Welp, I'm still not terribly mindful about this blog. Go figure.

I've gone and found out what's been wrong with my wrist since January. I've evidently subluxed my the lunate bone in my wrist. Had a very nice physical therapist named Zach help me figure that out. After my first visit, I was feeling great, so I went and played my new Rock Band drum kit for three hours and promptly popped it back out of place. I'm so clever.

All registered for Spring Quarter of school. Let's hope it's better than the last two.